مدونة لمختصي الأمن السيبراني

مَنْ أَنَا ؟​


أَحْدَث التدوينات

أَحْدَث التدوينات

مَنْ أَنَا ؟

Mohammad Alattas is undertaking his bachelor’s degree in Cybersecurity from the University of Jeddah, where he earned a certificate of excellence for his outstanding academic performance. He holds a Professional Certificate in Malware Analysis. This is exemplified by how he independently took a cybersecurity course and won a scholarship from Cybletalents to learn malicious software analysis and digital criminal investigation. He leveraged this expertise to excel in multiple cybersecurity competitions. For instance, he won sixth place in IAU CTF Competition sponsored by The Saudi Aramco CyberSecurity Chair and ninth place in the Cyberhub CTF competition presented by the Saudi Cyber Security Federation. For this feat, he was also awarded a shield of honor by the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Engineering and Head of Cyber Security at Jeddah University. He is not only content with simply resting on his laurels, but also committed to passing on his skills to other students. For instance, he was nominated to present a workshop on malware analysis as part of the BSides global cybersecurity conference, which was praised by the students, professors, and international experts in attendance. Similarly, he held another workshop on the Linux OS after noticing his peers struggling with the system. Outside of Cybersecurity, he is passionate about helping refugees all over the world.


Where Malware Belongs

Where Malware Belongs​